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Politika privatnosti

SK Job-Netzwerk GmbH & Co KG

Data protection

  1. Information about the collection of personal data
    1. In the following we inform you about the processing of personal data when using our website. Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. B. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior. In this way we would like to inform you about our processing operations and at the same time comply with the legal obligations, in particular those arising from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    2. Responsible in accordance with Article 4 (7) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is SK Job-Netzwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Hirschstraße 4, 89073 Ulm, Email: support@joblikethat.com, Website: www.joblikethat.com (see our imprint).
    3. When you contact us by e-mail, the data you provide (your e-mail address, possibly your name and telephone number) will be stored by us in order to answer your questions. If the request is assigned to a contract, we delete the data arising in this context after the deadlines for the contract period, otherwise after the storage is no longer necessary - usually after three years - or restrict the processing if there are statutory storage obligations.
    4. If we use commissioned service providers for individual functions of our offer or would like to use your data for advertising purposes, we will always carefully select and monitor these service providers and inform you in detail below about the respective processes. We also state the specified criteria for the storage period.
  2. Your rights
    1. You have the following rights vis-à-vis a person responsible with regard to your personal data:
      • right to information,
      • right to rectification or erasure,
      • right to restriction of processing,
      • right to object to processing,
      • right to data portability.
    2. You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by us.
  3. Processing of personal data when visiting our website
    1. When using the website for informational purposes, i.e. simply viewing it without registering and without you providing us with any other information, we process the personal data that your browser transmits to our server. The data described below is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security and must therefore be processed by us. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. f GDPR:
      • IP address
      • Date and time of the request
      • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
      • Content of the request (visited page)
      • Access Status/HTTP Status Codejeweils übertragene Datenmenge
      • Previously visited page
      • vorher besuchte Seite
      • Operating system
      • Browser software language and version.
  4. Further functions and offers of our website
    1. In addition to the purely informational use of our website, we offer various services that you can use if you are interested and use other common functions for analysis or marketing of our offers, which are presented in more detail below. To do this, you usually have to provide additional personal data or we process such additional data that we use to carry out the respective services. The aforementioned data processing principles apply to all data processing purposes described here.
    2. In some cases, we use external service providers to process your data. These are carefully selected by us, are bound by our instructions and are checked regularly.
    3. Furthermore, we can pass on your personal data to third parties if we offer participation in campaigns, competitions, conclusion of contracts or similar services together with partners. Depending on the service, your data can also be collected by the partners on their own responsibility. You will receive more detailed information when you enter your data or below in the description of the respective offers.
    4. If our service providers or partners are based in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will inform you about the consequences of this circumstance in the description of the offer.
  5. Objection or revocation against the processing of your data
    1. If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke this at any time. Such a revocation affects the admissibility of the processing of your personal data after you have given it to us. The admissibility of the processing of your data up to the time of your revocation remains unaffected.
    2. If we base the processing of your personal data on the balancing of interests, you can object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not necessary in particular to fulfill a contract with you, which is shown by us in the following description of the functions. If you exercise such an objection, we ask that you explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your objection, we will examine the situation and will either stop or adjust the data processing or show you our compelling reasons worthy of protection on the basis of which we will continue the processing.
    3. Of course, you can object to the processing of your personal data for advertising and data analysis purposes at any time. You can best exercise your objection to advertising using the contact details given above.
  6. Processing of data from your end devices ("Cookie Policy")
    1. In addition to the data mentioned in § 3 above, we use technical aids for various functions when you use our website, in particular cookies, which can be stored on your end device. When you visit our website and at any time thereafter, you can choose whether you want to generally allow the setting of cookies or which individual additional functions you want to select. You can make changes in your browser settings or via our consent manager. In the following, we first describe cookies from a technical point of view (2), before we go into more detail about your individual choices by describing technically necessary cookies (3) and cookies that you can voluntarily select or deselect (4).
    2. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive and are associated with the browser you are using so that certain information can flow to the website that sets the cookie. Cookies cannot run programs or transmit viruses to your computer, but primarily serve to make the internet offer faster and more user-friendly. This website uses the following types of cookies, whose functionality and legal basis we will explain below:
      • Transient cookies: These, especially session cookies, are automatically deleted when you close your browser or log out. They store a so-called session ID. In this way, various requests from your browser can be assigned to the joint session and your computer can be recognized when you return to our website.
      • Persistent cookies: These are automatically deleted after a specified period of time, which varies depending on the cookie. You can view the cookies that have been set and their runtimes at any time in your browser settings and delete the cookies manually.
    3. Mandatory functions that are technically necessary to display the website: The technical structure of the website requires that we use technologies, in particular cookies. Without these techniques, our website cannot be displayed (fully correctly) or the support functions could not be enabled. These are basically transient cookies that are deleted at the end of your visit to the website, at the latest when you close your browser. You cannot opt out of these cookies if you wish to use our website. The individual cookies can be seen in the consent manager. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter f GDPR.
    4. Optional cookies when you give your consent: We only set various cookies with your consent, which you can select using the so-called cookie consent tool when you visit our website for the first time. The functions are only activated if you give your consent and can be used in particular to enable us to analyze and improve visits to our site, to make it easier for you to use different browsers or end devices, to recognize you during a visit or to display advertising (possibly also to target ads to interests, measure the effectiveness of ads, or show you interest-based ads). The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR. The revocation of your consent is possible at any time without affecting the admissibility of the processing until the revocation.

    The functions we use, which you can select and revoke individually via the consent manager, are described below.

  7. Use of our portal
    1. If you would like to use our portal, you must register by entering your e-mail address, a password of your choice and your freely selectable user name. There is no obligation to use a real name, pseudonymous use is possible. The provision of the aforementioned data is mandatory, you can provide all other information voluntarily by using our portal. For this service we use the so-called double opt-in procedure, i. H. You will receive an e-mail in which you must confirm that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided and that you wish to receive the notifications. You can unsubscribe from the notifications at any time, e.g. by clicking on the link contained in the e-mail or using the contact details provided. We will store the data you provide and the times of your registration for the service and your IP address until you unsubscribe from the notification service.
    2. If you use our portal, we store your data required to fulfill the contract, including information on the method of payment, until you finally delete your access. Furthermore, we store the data you provide voluntarily for the duration of your use of the portal, unless you delete them beforehand. You can manage and change all information in the protected customer area. The legal basis is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. b GDPR.
    3. If you use the portal, your data may become accessible to other participants in the portal in accordance with the contractual service. Members who are not registered do not receive any information about you. Your user name and, if applicable, your logo are visible to all registered members.
    4. To prevent unauthorized access by third parties to your personal data, especially financial data, the connection is encrypted using TLS technology.
  8. Newsletter
    1. You can subscribe to our newsletter, with which we inform you about our current interesting offers, by declaring your consent. The advertised goods and services are named in the declaration of consent.
    2. To register for our newsletter, we use the so-called double opt-in Procedure. This means that after you have registered, we will send you an e-mail to the e-mail address provided, in which we ask you to confirm that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided and wish to receive the notifications. If you do not confirm your registration within [48 hours], your information will be blocked and automatically deleted after one month. In addition, we store the IP addresses you use and the times of registration and confirmation. The purpose of the procedure is to be able to prove your registration and, if necessary, to be able to clarify any possible misuse of your personal data.
    3. The only mandatory information for sending the newsletter is your e-mail address. [The provision of further, separately marked data is voluntary and is used to be able to address you personally.] After your confirmation, we will save your e-mail address for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR.
    4. You can revoke your consent to the sending of the newsletter at any time and unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can declare your revocation by clicking on the link provided in every newsletter e-mail or by sending a message to the contact details given in the imprint.
    5. In addition, you can also give your consent for us to evaluate your user behavior when sending the newsletter. For this evaluation, the e-mails sent contain so-called web beacons or tracking pixels, which represent one-pixel image files that are stored on our website. For the evaluations, we link the data mentioned in § 3 and the web beacons with your e-mail address and an individual ID. Links received in the newsletter also contain this ID. With the data obtained in this way, we create a user profile in order to tailor the newsletter to your individual interests. In doing so, we record when you read our newsletter, which links you click on and deduce your personal interests from this. We link this data to actions taken by you on our website.

      You can object to this tracking at any time by clicking on the separate link provided in each e-mail or by informing us via another contact method, as shown above. The information is stored as long as you have subscribed to the newsletter. After you unsubscribe, we store the data purely statistically and anonymously. Such tracking is also not possible if you have deactivated the display of images in your e-mail program by default. In this case, the newsletter will not be displayed to you in full and you may not be able to use all functions. If you display the images manually, the tracking mentioned above will take place.
  9. Web tracking using Google Analytics
    1. This website uses Google Analytics, a web tracking service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"). The purpose of our use of the tool is to analyze your user interactions on websites and in To enable apps and to improve our offer through the statistics and reports obtained and make it more interesting for you as a user.
    2. We record the interactions between you as a user of the website and our website primarily using cookies, device/browser data, IP addresses and website or app activities. Your IP addresses are also recorded in Google Analytics in order to ensure the security of the service and to give us, as the website operator, information about the country, region or location of the respective user (so-called "IP location determination"). . For your protection, however, we naturally use the anonymization function (“IP masking”), i.e. within the EU/EEA, Google shortens the IP addresses by the last octet.
    3. Google acts as a processor and we have concluded a corresponding contract with Google. The information generated by the cookie and the (usually shortened) IP addresses about your use of this website are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and processed there. For these cases, Google has set itself a standard that corresponds to the former EU-US Privacy Shield and has promised to comply with applicable data protection laws in international data transfers. We have also agreed so-called standard contractual clauses with Google, the purpose of which is to maintain an appropriate level of data protection in the third country.
    4. The legal basis for the collection and further processing of the information (which takes place for a maximum of 14 months) is your consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DS-GVO). The revocation of your consent is possible at any time without affecting the admissibility of the processing until the revocation. In apps, you can reset the advertising ID under Android or iOS settings. The easiest way to revoke your consent is to use our consent manager or install the Google browser add-on, which can be accessed via the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de/.
    5. For more information on the scope of services provided by Google Analytics, visit https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/de/. Google provides information on data processing when using Google Analytics under the following link: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de/. General information on data processing, which according to Google should also apply to Google Analytics, can be found in Google's data protection declaration at https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/.
  10. Use of social media plug-ins
    1. We currently use the following social media plug-ins: Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn, which are only loaded if you have previously activated the function with your consent. With the plug-ins we offer you the possibility to interact with the social networks and other users. The legal basis for the use of the plug-ins is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. a GDPR, i.e. they are only integrated with your consent.
    2. The plug-in provider saves the data collected about you as usage profiles and uses these for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or the needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (also for users who are not logged in) to display needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, whereby you must contact the respective plug-in provider to exercise this right. The data is passed on regardless of whether you have an account with the plug-in provider and are logged in there. If you are logged in to the plug-in provider, your data collected from us will be assigned directly to your existing account with the plug-in provider. If you press the activated button and e.g. B. link the page, the plug-in provider also stores this information in your user account and shares it publicly with your contacts. We recommend that you log out regularly after using a social network, but especially before activating the button, as this way you can avoid being assigned to your profile with the plug-in provider.
    3. The information collected is stored on the servers of the providers, in the case of international providers also outside of Europe. For these cases, the provider claims to have set itself a standard that corresponds to the former EU-US Privacy Shield and has promised to comply with applicable data protection laws in international data transmission. We have also agreed so-called standard contractual clauses with the providers, the purpose of which is to maintain an appropriate level of data protection in the third country.
    4. The revocation of your consent is possible at any time without affecting the admissibility of the processing until the revocation. The easiest way to revoke your consent is via our consent manager or via the functions of the social media providers.
    5. Further information on the purpose and scope of the data collection and its processing by the plug-in provider can be found in the data protection declarations of these providers communicated below. There you will also receive further information on your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy. Addresses of the respective plug-in providers and URL of the respective data protection notices:
  11. Integration of Google Maps
    1. We use Google Maps on this website. This enables us to show you interactive maps directly on the website and enables you to conveniently use the map function. The legal basis for the use of the maps is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR, i.e. the integration only takes place with your consent.
    2. By visiting the website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. In addition, the above-mentioned basic data such as IP address and time stamp are transmitted. This takes place regardless of whether Google provides a user account through which you are logged in or whether there is no user account. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not wish to be associated with your profile on Google, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data as usage profiles and uses them for advertising, market research and/or needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (even for users who are not logged in) to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, whereby you must contact Google to exercise this right.
    3. The information collected is stored on Google servers, also in the USA. For these cases, the provider claims to have set itself a standard that corresponds to the former EU-US Privacy Shield and has promised to comply with applicable data protection laws in international data transmission. We have also agreed so-called standard contractual clauses with Google, the purpose of which is to maintain an appropriate level of data protection in the third country.
    4. Further information on the purpose and scope of the data collection and its processing by the plug-in provider can be found in the provider's data protection declaration. There you will also find further information on your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy: http://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy.