
Find employees. Like that.

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Find the perfect employee with us

Do you need the right employees?

This is how it works

Create your account
Create your account
See suitable employees for your company immediately or post a job advertisement.
It's a Match
It's a Match
You decide who gets the chance to apply!
Fill your open position
Fill your open position
Contact the best candidates immediately!

These employees are waiting for you!

Over 10.000 applicants in all industries

Need employers
Hungary, Érd
Need employers
Austria, Leitring
Need employers
Austria, Ormosbánya
Need employers
Austria, Wien
Need employers
Hungary, sopron
Need employers
Hungary, Budapest

What other companies say about us

Our members are our greatest value

Find out immediately who is qualified for your company

At joblikethat, you find only candidates who really meet your requirements, so you can find the right employees immediately.

Like online dating - but for jobs

Find your perfect match for your open positions.

-Cost savings: You save on expensive job advertisements without output
-Time savings: No more long and time-consuming personnel searches
-Reach: Applicants from EU countries and beyond
-Easy to use: Swipe through potential employees
-Privacy: Your company information is treated confidentially
-Customer support: We assist you in finding employees